18:29 GMT Oct 2, 20122 October 2012
A slogan is a memorable motto or phrase used in a political, commercial, religious, and other context as a repetitive expression of an idea or purpose. The word slogan is derived from ‘slogorne’ which is an anglicisation of the Scottish Gaelic sluagh-ghairm tanmay (meaning ‘Battle cry’).
Are you ready to provide us with a catchy "slogorne"?? Do you think you're a creative, innovative master of words?
Then brandish your pens!!!
1. Entries should be sent to along with your name, email id, membership ID, phone number. (Information provided will be used for administrative purposes only). Slogan can be a one liner or max of two lines.
2. The theme for the slogan will be declared on the day of event.
3. Plagiarism will be considered foul.
4. Only IEEE members are allowed to participate.
5. Participants cannot submit more than 5 entries.
6. Entries will be accepted only on the day of event Oct 2nd,2012 between IST 00:00 to 23:59
Selection Process
The organisers will appoint a fair and impartial judging panel to select the winner. The decision of the panel is final. No discussion will be entered into.
The winning slogan will be posted in our website on the next day October 3,2012!
Drop your queries at: